I am the legal person, Zheng Guanyu

As expected, three hours later, Chen hansheng received a call from Zhao chunming. Zhang weiyu and Zhang weilei's work had been arranged.

One was the logistics team, and the other was the security team.

Chen hansheng looked at the time. It was about 5:30, just in time to finish the work at the factory. It seemed that Zhao chunming was really worried that the recording would be leaked and did not dare to delay it to the next day.

On the way to see them off, Chen hansheng said while driving, " actually, it's not difficult to find a job for you guys. 101 entrepreneurial base's upper-level store is hiring, but they specifically spent a lot of effort to force Zhao chunming to arrange for you guys to work in the factory. Do you know the reason? "

Zhang weilei wanted to speak, but he saw that his brother, Zhang weiyu, did not say a word. Thus, he obediently kept his mouth shut.