He doesn't want me

Chen hansheng had originally wanted to use a " family ending trick " to stop others from pursuing Xiao Yu 'er, but in the end, his act failed. He also felt embarrassed, so he carried Guo Jiahui and left the auditorium.

For the other students, this was just a small interlude in the rehearsal.

Xiao rongyu didn't accept the bouquet either. She asked the female host to accept it on her behalf. This way, she would not only give face to the senior who had given her the flowers, but she would also have no deep ties with him.

His roommate, Bian Shishi, was also watching the rehearsal downstairs. She noticed that Chen hansheng was also puzzled."Isn't this the boy we had hotpot with last time?"

After the rehearsal, Bian Shishi said to Xiao rongyu, ""Where are we going for lunch?"

"Let's go back to the dormitory to change and then go out to eat."