A misty night (Part 2)

In 2003, couriers were very aggressive. When Peng Qiang brought a few people to the xiangmu barbecue shop, the friends of the tattooed fat young man had also arrived.

However, the most surprising thing happened. The two groups actually knew each other.

"Is Zhongtong express really that bad * SS?" Peng Qiang said with dissatisfaction,"you actually let a girl drink with you?"

Only then did Chen hansheng realize that the other party was a member of Zhongtong express, which included the courier circle. The tattooed fat young man also recognized Peng Qiang and said awkwardly, ""Brother Qiang, I was just joking with these brothers."

Nie Xiaoyu was the most impatient one. She immediately scolded him, ""Who's joking with you, you hooligan!"

Shang Yanyan was not afraid to begin with, but when she heard nie Xiaoyu's scolding, she chuckled. The word " hooligan " might be more appropriate for Chen hansheng.