Not a romantic debt

In contrast to Huang Hui's shock, Chen hansheng did not have much of a reaction."Oh, so Huang Hui works in this company."

However, she did well. Other than the surprise at the beginning, Huang Hui quickly adjusted herself. When she explained, she was clear and enthusiastic, but she often looked in Chen hansheng's direction.

"Is this another romantic debt you left behind?" Zheng Guanyu teased in a low voice.

Chen hansheng glanced at her. although we're close, " he said, " I can still Sue you for slander.

I don't think it's possible either, " Zheng Guanyu nodded. the female guide isn't pretty enough.

After Huang Hui finished her speech, she bowed and stood to the side. She wanted to see if there were any other opportunities to perform, and she also wanted to know why Chen hansheng was able to sit here.

didn't you say that he's an important guest? Chen hansheng is only a second-year student in the School of Finance. Is he important too? "