Chapter 186-a guide to acting cool in a real bar


Seeing that Chen hansheng, a college student, was more wild than him, the yellow-haired dog was very unhappy. He pushed the cup in front of him away and said loudly, ""Are you trying to cause trouble?"

Chen hansheng thought to himself, are you trying to scare your father?

The yellow-haired dog threw the cup in front of Chen hansheng. Chen hansheng exerted force on his leg, and with a creak, the heavy glass booth of the bar was kicked a few centimeters away.

Chen hansheng shook his arms and stood up. He looked at brother dog and said, " I'm just causing trouble. What can you do to me? "

This movement was too big, and the security guards of the bar were alarmed. Two strong men quickly ran over and stared at it vigilantly.