An endless stream of tricks

Zheng Guanyu did not reply. Chen hansheng did not know where she had seen him, so he muttered, ""Damn it, Peeping Tom!"

When he came to the cinema on the second floor with his snacks, Chen hansheng found that there was a lot of traffic, mainly students of Jiangling university town.

Most of the students were couples. They sat on the stool, leaning their heads against each other and talking, laughing from time to time.Or take out a bottle of drink, you take a sip, I take a sip.

"It's so greasy!"

Chen hansheng shook his head and sighed.

Of course, there were also some single boys and girls from the same dormitory who came in groups. The boys were interested in the plot, and the girls were interested in handsome guys.

This was because in the second film of " Inferno ", other than Liu Dehua and Liang chaowei, there were also the most popular fried chicken Yu Wenle and Chen guanxi.