Zheng Guanyu's home

"What are you doing here?"

Chen hansheng looked up and saw Zheng Guanyu. He was wearing a sky-blue silk nightgown, revealing his fair and tender calves below his knees. It was hard to see his hair.

"This is my home, Chen hansheng."

"Here, have a cup of coffee." Zheng guanye handed him a cup of coffee.

Chen hansheng took two sips and put it down. "How does coffee dispel alcohol? do you have hot water?"

"No, I didn't,"

Zheng Guanyu shrugged. actually, I don't even live here much. If you don't drink coffee, you can only drink tap water.

Chen hansheng's mind gradually cleared up, and he realized that this was not Kong Jing's home.

Although it was the same layout of two rooms and one living room, Kong Jing's living room was a little " messy. this kind of chaos was not in the general sense of unorganized, but it was caused by too many household items. However, it also made it more lively.