Pandora's Box

Every year during the spring and autumn recruitment, the internet café would be filled with college students. Most of them would be editing their resumes according to the feedback from the recruitment during the day and playing a few games to comfort themselves.

Next to Wang Zibo was a fourth-year student in a cheap suit, white shirt, and black leather shoes. There was a transparent file beside the keyboard filled with all kinds of recruitment documents and personal information. He was focused on the " dream Journey to the West " instance dungeon.

Wang Zibo also knew how to play this game. He stared at the other people's screens and then turned to look at his own QQ.

In the past, after he sent a message, he would always have to wait for Huang Hui for more than half an hour before she would reply, or she would not reply at all.

"It's 11:03 now. If you don't reply by 11:20, I'll leave immediately."