Xiao rongyu VS Luo Xuan

Zheng Guanyu had never had the habit of eating supper when he was abroad, but ever since he had met Chen hansheng, he had tried all the spicy crayfish, duck blood noodles, lamb skewers, and barbecue in Jiangling university town.

Every time she finished eating, she would make up her mind and say, " you must never eat supper again. Chen hansheng, if you have a conscience, don't call me.

However, the next time Chen hansheng called out to him, Zheng Guanyu would come over again.

It was the same tonight. She said no, but her body was very honest.

Especially the skewers of mutton that were covered in sesame oil that was on the verge of collapse. Under the light, they were golden and transparent, and the smell of chili and cumin was gurgling into the nose. There was also a bottle of wheat beer that was foaming.

Zheng guanye shook his head in resignation. He raised his glass and said, ""After I return to Hong Kong, the MP3 player project will be in your hands."