Arranging for Luo Xuan

The people in room 602 sat there until noon. Yang shichao and Guo shaoqiang went back to sleep, Li Jinnan went to F building 101 to work, and Jin Yangming was ready to apply for a job.

At the end of November, Jin Yangming was definitely the first person to participate in the University Club election.

Ling, you're doing very well in the Student Union. Do you have any good ideas to teach me? "

Chen hansheng's eyelids drooped as he looked at him. "Don't be scared. Just take care of Dali and leave the rest to miracle."

Jin Yangming nodded gratefully and recited "Dali creates miracles" in his mind as he walked towards the interview room in the teaching building.

Chen hansheng had been leisurely basking in the sun, drinking milk tea, and having reunions. It was only when Shen youchu had finished taking care of the plants in the store that he beckoned for him to come over.

Hu linyu had also finished her work, so she sat down uninvited.