282, the factory is mine

At night, when Chen hansheng was attending the preparation meeting for the debate of the Institute of finance, Zheng Guanyu's message of accusation finally came.

Li Xiaojie is the Deputy Director of the MP3 production and sales that I've appointed to be in charge of. If you could help him say something in the meeting room this afternoon, he wouldn't be so depressed now.

The message was filled with blame and disappointment. Chen hansheng did not expect Li Xiaojie to shut himself up just like that, but he felt that he had done the right thing.

Standing up 'bravely' did not help at all. At most, Li Xiaojie's mood would be better.

Oh, so I'm not fighting alone.

Chen hansheng: " brother yang, let's be honest. I'm a nobody, and my words are useless. It's very likely that I'll go from one person to two people.

Zheng Guanyu asked,"why do I feel like you're not serious at all?"