The workplace is a secret war

Li Xiaojie's true feelings were that he did not know how expensive the food was if he was not in charge.

Every problem had to be solved, including the trivial things, such as two workers fighting because they didn't like each other, stealing things from their roommates, male workers flirting with female workers ...

These things happened every day. Li Xiaojie put himself in Lin chaohui's shoes and suddenly understood that it was not easy for everyone.

"Dong Dong Dong."

Chen hansheng knocked on the door and came in. Li Xiaojie did not put on any airs and stood up."I'm really sorry to have you come over so late at night."

you're welcome. I just went to the design team's office to take a look.

Chen hansheng sat on the soft sofa. "Judging from their expressions, they really do seem to be of one mind."

"That's why it's difficult."