I'm here for a blind date

The next day, the snow was lighter, so Huang Hui came to the University of Technology to help.

Wang Zibo did not respond at first. In the end, Huang Hui mumbled to herself and cried that Zhao Zheng's parents did not agree to the marriage on the grounds that they were not of the same family background.

On the third day, the snow finally stopped, and the sun, which had been hidden for a long time, also came out. The entire Jian ou looked like it was melting ice and snow.

Huang Hui still came over to help. Wang Zibo bought her lunch at noon.

Looking at Huang Hui's expression when she said " thank you ", Wang Zibo suddenly felt bitter.

"I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is not available."

Wang Zibo wanted to ask his best friend Chen hansheng for his opinion, but his phone was turned off the moment he called.

"It's already 12 O 'clock in the afternoon. He should be up by now."