A romantic feeling

I can find Shen youchu, but I won't go. You can find her yourself.

Huang Hui was not shameless enough to do such a thing. She just didn't want to give up the last gate in her relationship. However, as winter vacation was approaching, the University of Technology was making more and more money as a delivery point. Wang Zibo seemed to have the financial ability to be a boyfriend.

In addition, she was naturally strong towards Wang Zibo. If she dated Wang Zibo, although it would not be interesting enough, it would definitely be much more comfortable, especially when she was at the lowest point of her life.

He had just changed his job and was disliked emotionally. Wang Zibo was the most suitable person to accompany him.

it's fine. I should be the one looking. Phew ~"

Wang Zibo took a deep breath, but he was still very nervous. He even felt a little embarrassed when he imagined the scene.