F * ck, you're such a detestable yet adorable monster!

When Chen hansheng sobered up, it was already past nine o 'clock in the evening. His eyes were still closed, and he seemed to hear someone talking in his ear. It should be little ah ning's child's voice.

"Sister, when is brother going to wake up?"

"Sister doesn't know either."

"Don't wake up big brother when you sleep at night. Big sister will help you take off your jacket." Shen youchu said.

"I'm going to take it off myself. Ning has grown up."

Sometimes, in order to prove that they were no longer young, children would deliberately do small things to get praise from adults.

Chen hansheng smiled and thought that children were quite fun.

Not long after, he felt the movement of ah ning burrowing into the bed next to him. He thought that it was time for him to go back, but he suddenly heard ah ning say, ""Sister, can you hug me to sleep?"
