The first day of school during the winter break

how can you do this? can adults order their children as they please? "

On the way to school, Xiao rongyu complained loudly to Chen hansheng and Xiao Hongwei.

Because Lu Yuqing had discovered the newspaper that Chen hansheng had deliberately left behind, she had been frightened by the shocking news of traffic accidents. She had immediately rejected Xiao rongyu's idea of driving to school.

The kind that no one could persuade.

In the end, Xiao Hongwei drove his daughter to the University of Tokyo.

Chen hansheng also brought two bags of local specialties from gang city and took a ride. Xiaoyu was a yes-man at home and did not dare to complain to Lu Yuqing. Now that she was facing two men, old Xiao and Chen hansheng, she immediately began to attack.

Xiao Chen, don't you think my mother is too overbearing? "

Xiao rongyu sought approval from Chen hansheng.