Old Chen's past

The temperature in the computer class was relatively high. In addition to the enclosed space, the burning of the computer CPU also produced a lot of heat. So, when Chen hansheng came outside, the cold wind blew and he shivered.

The gloomy air was mixed with a little rain. It was already February, and according to the season, it should be early spring. However, jianmo was still very cold, especially on rainy days like this.

old Yu, why is Mr Lu looking for me? "

Chen hansheng allowed the rain to fall on his hair and eyebrows, and asked Yu yueping directly.

I think they're here to help promote rocket 101. The leaders of Jiangnan University are visiting the school of Finance these few days. I think they're here to introduce you to each other so that you can go to the University of Jiangnan to promote rocket 101 in the future. At least you'll have some acquaintances.

"So it's like this."