363, you call me a man?

Actually, the fact that Zhang mingrong was able to learn from Kong Jing was a turning point in her life.

What kind of experience did big sister Kong Yu have? she was a proper finance undergraduate, worked at the iron rice bowl bank, and later resigned to become a middle-to-high-level manager at shengtong. She was considered a reserve team leader, and she was already 30 years old.

This was just his growing up experience. As for his love experience ...

She had once been willing to send money to her first love, but in the end, he married a foreign girl.She had also been pursued by many men and had seen many tricks. In the end, under the urging of her parents, they returned to the most primitive way of getting to know each other-blind dates.

Kong Jing was not short of money. She was single and financially independent. Such a woman was refining her beauty into confidence, turning her age into tolerance, and her every move exuded a mature charm.