A business negotiation full of traps

The next morning, Chen hansheng and Kong Jing appeared in the meeting room of Shen Tong company on time. They were still facing the same people from yesterday, but Zhou Lei kept looking at Kong Jing in confusion.

Chen hansheng greeted Zhou Lei with a cheeky smile. Zhou Lei snorted and turned his head away, not wanting to talk to this scumbag college student who was having fun in the club.

Cheng dejun frowned. Chen hansheng was a guest and professor sun biyu's relative. In addition, this cooperation was actually helpful in the process of promoting the deep understanding of the country, but it had not been shown yet.

If they lost their patience and really went to find Zhongtong or Yuantong to cooperate, that would be a huge loss.

This was especially true for the newly established Zhongtong. For the sake of the market, they would definitely be willing to give up even greater profits.