I'm good at coaxing girls!

Chen hansheng knew that after he was inexplicably pregnant, he was not angry at all, because he was a high-ranking scumbag. Besides, the key to the success of " raising fish " was that the relationship between the two sides was not equal.

Chen hansheng was not interested in ye hai at all. In the end, no one knew who would support who.

actually, ye hai and Huang Hui are quite different.

Chen hansheng, who was in the office, touched his chin and analyzed the situation in his heart.

Huang Hui was a typical green tea girl. She knew that Wang Zibo liked her, but she used this to satisfy her personal desires or interests.

Ye Zhi's situation seemed more realistic. She had a stable job as soon as she graduated from University and her family background was also good. In particular, she could meet all kinds of outstanding young people in her work.