The sickly Luo Xuan and the dog-headed military counselor Hu linyu

The " man " Luo Xuan was referring to was Chen hansheng. Hu linyu choked for a moment. In his heart, he thought that this freshman girl was really bold. However, he still took a few steps forward to give Luo Xuan and Shen youchu some space to talk.

If he continued to gossip, it would seem like he was interested in Chen hansheng.

Luo Xuan had a smug look on his face after chasing Hu linyu away. However, when he turned around and saw Shen youchu, his smugness immediately disappeared.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly. The morning light fell on Shen youchu's classical beauty's face, making it look like a New Moon. There seemed to be ripples in her clear peach-like eyes, and her tall nose bridge hid a trace of toughness. However, her lips were naturally red and soft, and they were very gentle.

The morning wind blew, and the hair on Shen youchu's forehead fluttered gently, adding to his alluring charm.