The adaptability of a scumbag

Sun Bixi suddenly announced that he was going to file a lawsuit, and it was an international one at that. Xiao rongyu didn't react for a moment, let alone Wu Yimin, who was outside.

Chen hansheng's brain was the fastest, and he thought about things from another perspective.

this kind of transnational marriage lawsuit will definitely attract the media's attention, so it'll be good no matter who wins or loses.

Chen hansheng analyzed the situation for Xiaoyu,"if we win, we can be proud and strengthen our country's prestige.""If you lose, you'll dare to resist and take the first step in a foreign civil dispute. In short, no matter who wins or loses, your reputation will definitely be spread out. By then, you won't have to worry about the firm not having any business."

also, Cheng Lilu's requirements are very strict. However, with professor sun's participation, all the technical requirements can be easily solved.

"Little Chen, this is too utilitarian."