I know how to make chicken soup too

After staying in Harbor City for two days, the high school in jianmo started to open in September. Chen hansheng, who had been repeatedly " beaten and despised " by Empress Dowager Liang, was finally free from the sea of suffering.

The driver was Chen hansheng, and old Xiao was also at ease. Xiao Yu 'er naturally sat in the front passenger seat.

Wang Zibo, Liu Xiaomeng, and Xie wanqiu sat in the back row. They were all high school classmates who were now studying in Jianye together. The atmosphere was very relaxed as they chatted along the way.

At this time two years ago, everyone was looking forward to going to jianmo, but now they were already in their third year. Their mentality was as stable as old dogs, and there was no sense of novelty in the beginning of school. They only speculated about the future.