An uneasy night (Part 2)

To be honest, Liu Pengfei would rather believe that Chen hansheng would fire him than sell rocket 101.

what right does he have to do that? rocket 101 is the result of everyone's hard work!

Liu Pengfei was first shocked, then angry, and finally depressed.

This was because Chen hansheng really had the right to do so. He had said in the beginning that rocket 101 was a business partner of a university student in name, but in fact, all the shares were under his control.


Liu Pengfei lit the lighter again. He wanted to read the agreement again, especially the shocking number.

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside. Liu Pengfei thought it was Chen hansheng who had returned. He quickly stuffed the folder under his butt and pretended to be deep in thought.


It was not Chen hansheng, but Shang Bing. She was one of the first few backbones who had followed Chen hansheng. She had a gentle personality and worked hard.

"Oh, it's you."