Student, do you want to get into a master's degree?

Hearing Chen hansheng's mysterious words, Cai qinong and Lu gongchao also realized that there should be another reason for this, especially Lu gongchao. He always felt that "Bankruptcy" was just a facade, and that it should be a replacement of capital.

"Hualala ~"

Chen hansheng picked up a thick stack of documents and respectfully handed them to principal Cai qinong.

Cai qinong subconsciously glanced at the title of the document-"the contract for the acquisition of rocket 101 by Shen Tong express Co., Ltd.


Cai qinong could not help but raise his head. Chen hansheng smiled and gestured for principal Cai to read it on his own.

Cai qinong did not say anything more and started reading from the first page. Because Lu gongchao was at the back, principal Cai read very quickly.

However, principal Cai's breathing grew heavier as he flipped through the documents. His hands were trembling when he reached the last page.