My best friend, you're welcome

Intimidated by the power of the metal crossbow, Chen hansheng suddenly became more serious and chatted with Zheng Guanyu honestly.

Zheng's best friend was indeed in a bad situation. capable general " Li Xiaojie was a little disappointed with the working environment in the factory. When he reported to Zheng guanye once, he had expressed his intention to leave.

Chen hansheng did not find it strange. Li Xiaojie was a Chinese United States. He had been taught since young that work was important, but the working environment was also important.

Zheng Guanyu and the second branch of the family were using the new era as their battlefield and were having a great time fighting. Li Xiaojie, a Technical Manager, would definitely not like such an atmosphere.

Zheng guanye sighed. it wasn't easy for me to poach Li Xiaojie. Even though he doesn't have a good grasp of the big picture, he can lead the team to complete the mission as long as you point him in the right direction.