Black silk is the most attractive thing to men

In fact, Shen youchu and Hu linyu did not have much business potential. Among the women Chen hansheng had come into contact with, the only one who could live up to the title of " female entrepreneur " was Zheng Guanyu.

If the Zheng family had not been so stupid as to send Hong shiyong to limit Zheng Guanyu's performance, the " cell phone project " might have already been in brother Zheng's plan.

Shen youchu and Xiao rongyu only had ordinary talents in business, but now that Chen hansheng had the money and time, he had the time to support them while they were planning the separation of the new era electronics factory.

However, when Shen youchu heard that Chen hansheng wanted her to haggle, she suddenly froze.

Shen youchu knew that she was the least sociable. Even though she had been with Chen hansheng for more than two years, she would sometimes blush because of a joke. She rarely spoke in class, and only spoke a little more in the dormitory.