The trick of breaking legs (Part 2)

"Hahahaha ~"

Hearing Chen hansheng's words, Hong shiyong laughed loudly. He felt the joy of victory, but also felt that it was a little ridiculous.

Zheng Guanyu's iron Lackey actually wanted to rely on him?

what are you laughing at? when I'm done with new era, you'll be crying.

Chen hansheng's heart was full of praise, but his face was polite.

After Hong shiyong was done expressing his emotions, he then said playfully, ""Consultant Chen, have you watched" Inferno "?"

"Yes," Chen hansheng replied.

Inferno " itself was a movie about " spies. Hong shiyong's meaning was obvious. He was suspicious of Chen hansheng's motives.

However, this was easy. Lying was the most difficult thing in the world, because it needed to constantly create illusions to make up for it. At the same time, one had to worry about giving themselves away.

The truth was the simplest and the easiest to prove. It was fine as long as the truth was told.