491, get struck by lightning

This embarrassment and awkwardness only disappeared when they got into the taxi and Chen hansheng and Kong Jing started chatting normally.

I've booked a private room in a hotel. I'll hold a welcome party for you guys later.

Chen hansheng, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, turned his head and said. Only then did he seriously size up Kong Jing and Wen Ling.

After returning from her overseas trip, Kong Jing's skin had become a little paler, but she still looked as calm as ever.

Her legs were close together and her body was slightly tilted on the back of the seat. There was a dense fragrance in the car, which belonged to a young and mature woman.

Wen Ling had changed a lot. The sadness that had accumulated in her eyes had gradually disappeared and was replaced by a positive attitude towards life.

it seems that Wenling has almost walked out of her emotional hurt after following sister Jing. Chen hansheng thought to himself.