"Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law's" long talk

"Don't be so glib-tongued, I can't stand this kind of thing!"

Liang meijuan pushed Chen hansheng away with a cold face, rolled up her sleeves, and also went to the kitchen.

She originally wanted to help, but seeing that Shen youchu was very skilled at cooking and wasn't unfamiliar with cutting garlic, Liang meijuan decided to help out and gossip while she was at it.

"Shen, how's your mother-in-law?"

"Where is youngest Biao sister?"

Chen hansheng said you're taking the postgraduate entrance examination. Which school are you going to? "


Liang meijuan only asked about family matters. This was a habit of her age, but Shen youchu was stumped. She had never met such a long-winded middle-aged woman in her life.

Thus, Shen youchu replied while stirring the spatula. It was good to chat like this, as it made them less nervous.

"Creak creak creak ~"

Wang Zibo suddenly pushed open the wooden kitchen door and stuck his head in to take a look.
