Empress Dowager Liang takes great credit I

After Zheng guanyuan passed the medical report to Liang meijuan in the morning, she imagined the scumbag Chen's frantic explanation and smiled, feeling much better.

However, after returning to the factory, she quickly forgot about this matter and once again immersed herself in the cumbersome and complicated work.

Chen hansheng's sudden betrayal disrupted Zheng Guanyu's daily plans and also caused Hong shiyong's power to expand even more. He had to maintain daily production and suppress Hong shiyong at the same time, so he was under a lot of pressure.

He was busy all the way until noon. Just as Zheng Guanyu was about to go to the cafeteria for lunch, Jiang Yunyun, the Secretary of the General manager's office, knocked on the door and came in. She looked puzzled. President Zheng, the security room called. Chen hansheng's mother is here to see you.

"Looking for me?"