I'm sorry, the organization has chosen you!

Cao Jiande never expected Chen hansheng to suddenly fire at him. The two of them usually did not interact with each other. Occasionally, they would pass by each other on the stairs, but they would just walk on their own. They did not even nod at each other.

This situation was too common in a large factory with more than 1000 employees in the new era. It was impossible for Chen hansheng to be familiar with every management level.

When we were in school, we also encountered such a situation. There was a student in our class. Although we saw each other often, we never greeted each other, but we knew who he was.

This was probably what Cao Jiande and Chen hansheng were like. The two had never spoken to each other, but they knew each other and had their own opinions of each other.

In Chen hansheng's heart, Cao Jiande had a very high evaluation.