The precious horse bones

In the office on East Tianyuan road, Kong Jing and Cao Jiande discussed the plans for the construction of the electronics factory and their future expectations.

generally speaking, we'll focus on mobile phones in the future, but when we first established it, we might try other products in order to recover our funds as soon as possible.

An hour and a half later, as the conversation ended, Kong Jing invited again, " Minister Cao, this 480 acres of land is still a blank piece of paper. It's looking forward to our joint efforts to paint a beautiful high-tech picture.

"Thank you. I'd like to go back and think about it."

Cao Jiande didn't agree rashly, even though the blueprint of the new factory was very beautiful, and he was optimistic about the future development. Even the General Manager, Kong Jing, had a very elegant style of speech.

The only concern was that the real boss had yet to show up.