Distracting thoughts that can change fate

The next morning, before 7 am, Jin Yangming, who always liked to sleep in, woke Chen hansheng up. brother Chen, brush your teeth and wash your face first. I'll go get you breakfast.

He was probably worried about Dong 'er, but he could not go alone, so he could only drag Chen hansheng along.

no, Shen youchu and the others are already up. Let's go to the canteen near the girls 'dormitory.

Chen hansheng rubbed his eyes and sat up straight. He saw that Jin Yangming was already dressed. From the haggardness in the corner of his eyes, it was obvious that little Jin did not sleep well last night.

The two of them trembled as they walked out of the dormitory. Because it was still early, there were not many people on the road. The cold-resistant pine needles downstairs were covered with a thin layer of frost.

Fortunately, the sun had already risen in the distance, and wisps of light were driving away the cold morning.

"What great weather."