From now on, I'm also a young man who's trying to clear a path

Wang Zibo's words were very touching. Of course, he was also telling the truth. For example, when he was young, he had accidentally fallen. If his family members were not around, he would probably be able to stand up by touching his butt.

If his parents suddenly asked,"does it hurt?" Her tears immediately stopped.

However, Chen hansheng was still not very happy.

"You're a typical man who forgets his friends after seeing his lover. I understand you, but why don't I see you crying?"

"You're different."

Wang Zibo walked to the stairway of the safety passage. There were many people coming and going on the other side of the elevator, so he was embarrassed.

Chen hansheng followed her. the poet is beautiful and kind. Today's event is an opportunity. After the press conference, you can treat her to a meal with the excuse of thanking her.

"Is it appropriate?"