Shell electronics

"That's impossible,"

Xiao rongyu thought that Chen hansheng was trying to comfort her."Unless professor sun is in charge, there shouldn't be many companies looking for us before this transnational lawsuit is over."

"Anything is possible."

Chen hansheng did not reveal it, so he changed the topic and asked, " now that you're in the press conference and on TV, you're even more famous in school.

yeah, the BBS is full of posts about the law school. Even Shishi was named. Ah! Please spare me, heroine.

Xiao rongyu suddenly laughed, and Bian Shishi's disgruntled complaint came through the receiver, " why are there still guys asking who the girl beside Xiao rongyu is? am I, Bian Shishi, that nameless? "

Chen, our University of Tokyo's BBS is having a lot of fun. What about your University of Finance? "

Xiao rongyu laughed as she played with Bian Shishi, " the next time you come to the University of Tokyo, you must log in to our campus forum to take a look.