A bathhouse that costs 2 Yuan for women and 400 Yuan for men

After eating this stomach-warming and heart-warming breakfast, Chen hansheng headed to the blue-light electronic crystal screen manufacturing plant in Thailand.

Before the new year, Hong shiyong of the new era had planned to start the MP4 project. From the perspective of cost-saving and high cost performance, he had chosen this factory as his partner.

LAN Guang was a small-to mid-sized enterprise with less than 200 people, even including the chefs in the cafeteria. When they suddenly received an invitation to work with a factory that could accommodate thousands of people, Huang Biao, the factory manager, was extremely excited and immediately came to Jian mo to listen to new era's request.

Originally, Huang Biao had really planned to do a good job in this transaction and cling to new era. In the future, they would have the meat while LAN Guang would have the soup.