Setting up the "Asura arena" from time to time

Best friend Zheng was a smart person. In the past, she was willing to be controlled by the Zheng family because she hadn't made up her mind to cut ties with them. Once she decided not to keep them company, she would just say goodbye.

The words " pedantic " and " foolishly loyal " would not appear on Zheng Guanyu. She would not stay in the new era and argue with her elders just to prove her worth.

There was not much meaning to this. Zheng Guanyu had only done what he could. After realizing that he was powerless, he left the rest to Chen hansheng.

If Chen hansheng defeated Hong shiyong, he would have to fulfill the promise he had made. He would either help Zheng Guanyu build a new factory or help him take back the new era.

Of course, if Chen hansheng could not defeat Hong shiyong, all of this would be empty talk.

However, Zheng Guanyu felt that it should not be a problem.

The full score was 100, and her self-evaluation should be 90.