591, aunt Zheng and father Chen

On the first morning of school, Chen hansheng spent his time in a half-awake state. When he had lunch with Shen youchu in the afternoon, he learned that Shen Ruyi and Feng GUI had already left by train and would probably arrive in Jian 'e at the end of the month.

Xiao rongyu was also adapting to the new semester. She had a lot of things to do this month, and she also had to prepare the materials for going to the United States.

However, compared to Gao Wen, who was still waiting for her passport to land in her hometown, Chen hansheng and Xiao rongyu's overseas procedures took almost no time.

The two university students with clean backgrounds and the vouch of the Deputy bureau chief, Xiao Hongwei, made the exit and entry management Center in Harbor City very efficient.