Aunt Zheng fainted from anger

When Hong shiyong saw this, he turned his head away and pretended not to see anything.

In the morning, when aunt Zheng wanted to fire the security guard, Hong shiyong did not agree with her. No matter how much he fought with Zheng guanye, he would not vent his anger on the employees at the bottom.

They weren't taking sides, they just wanted to make a living.

However, aunt Zheng's determination to 'kill the chicken to warn the monkeys' was very strong. Hong shiyong did not want to cause a conflict because of a security guard, so he did not object.

However, he didn't expect the "face slap" to come so quickly. He had just fired her in the morning, and now she was stopping him.

Of course, Hong shiyong couldn't smile either, because this also exposed a fact. Guoke was very interested in all the resources in the new era. This was not the way to run a proper business.