There are always unruly people who want to harm me!

Chen hansheng's method was similar to when he told her that " you have a 500000 Yuan bonus ".

If he were to tell her to learn how to view huge wealth and not become a slave to it, she might not listen.

So, at that time, Chen hansheng directly gave the little Secretary a passbook of five million Yuan to open her eyes. When she received the five hundred thousand Yuan that belonged to her, she was very calm and turned around to become a Factory Girl.

Feng GUI and Shen Ruyi were similar. Chen hansheng was too lazy to talk nonsense and let reality arrange it. He had to thank the middle-aged man and the pimps for their passionate performance, which made this education more meaningful.

In addition, Chen hansheng was also worried that his memory was not deep enough, so he deliberately took away the savings that Feng GUI and Shen Ruyi had brought. He finally wanted to let the young couple understand the dangers of society and cherish this hard-won life.