I'm ugly, but I'm gentle

Chen hansheng and Wang Zibo found a massage parlor in Xianning university town. It looked quite formal. Of course, the two of them did not have any special intentions. They just wanted to find a place to chat, so they asked for a two-person private room.

There were fruit platters and hot tea on the table in the private room. Two technicians in blue uniforms and masks were serving the customers, and " happy base " was playing on the TV.

The hosts of " Happy Camp " were still Li Xiang and he Zhan. The Super tools of the post-production, du Haitao and Wu Xin, were not online yet.

Ever since Wang Zibo sent his first message to Bian Shishi, he had been checking his phone from time to time. However, he was always disappointed because the screen was quiet.

He could only take two sips of hot tea and watch the show while listening to Chen hansheng and the technician chat.

Are you from Eastern University? " she asked.