A young man blinded by jealousy

Since he could not find the remote control, and Chen hansheng could not understand the song of the Suzhou pingtan, he was restless and wanted to leave.

However, mo ke would chat with Shen youchu from time to time. Both of them had gentle personalities. One asked softly while the other answered slowly. She did not expect the atmosphere to be so harmonious.

Of course, they talked about common topics, such as " where is youchu's hometown? how many brothers and sisters do you have? your future development and design ...

In the end, when they talked about the local food, mo ke was surprised to hear that Shen youchu could also steam buns. Auntie doesn't have much of an appetite these few days. If there's a chance, I'll definitely try it.

"Alright ~"

Shen youchu kept that in mind.

Chen hansheng laughed awkwardly when he heard that. Only Shen hanhan would take such polite words seriously.