652, Hong shiyong:

Aunt Zheng had fainted once before, and this time, she felt that her mind was in a daze. There seemed to be many shadows moving in front of her, and she could even hear the honking of the 120 ambulance.

However, she couldn't open her eyes and couldn't speak, but her consciousness was still there. In the end, she was probably lying on a soft bed, and the air was filled with the smell of disinfectant. It was probably the hospital.

In the middle, many people came to visit. Some came in groups, and some came alone. Their voices were all very familiar.

Later, aunt Zheng was so tired that she fell asleep gradually.

After an unknown period of time, when she opened her eyes again, she realized that she was indeed in the hospital ward.

"Aunt Zheng, you're awake?"

Hong shiyong, who was sitting by the bed, asked with concern.
