657, what if one day mo ke had a pk with sun biye?

"Stop dreaming, it's impossible."

In view of Tang ping's forthright words, Chen hansheng's rejection was even more thorough. He didn't even use Hu linyu, the milk tea shop's general manager, as an excuse and directly denied it.

Tang ping's expression turned ugly.

Wang Zibo was stunned. Wasn't she his cousin's girlfriend? why did she suddenly turn hostile?

However, Xiao Chen's temper was like this. There were many times when he could only swallow his anger because of this face or taboo relationship, he would always turn hostile.

"I'm going out for a smoke."

Chen hansheng shook his shoulders, not taking it to heart at all, and swaggered out of the milk tea shop.

Wang Zibo actually wanted to follow her, but he had an honest side to him and he didn't know Tang ping well. He hesitated for a moment before consoling her,"Maybe Chen's not in a good mood recently, don't take it to heart."

"What right do I have to take it to heart?"