669, the student council president's advice

Because he had to accompany Shen youchu to buy a new phone, Chen hansheng did not plan to skip class. He was prepared to sit in the classroom until noon.

As a result, principal Lu gongchao called just as the second class ended.

Cai qinong had already retired in glory. In his hands, " Jianye University of Finance and Economics " had become " Jianye University of Finance and Economics ". Tens of thousands of students in the University of Finance and Economics were very grateful to this old principal.

Lu gongchao's goal was also very clear. The University of Finance and Economics must upgrade from two to one.

Due to the lack of a deep historical background, 985 could not be counted on, but they could strive to fight for 211.

"Hansheng, are you free?"

you haven't been here for a long time, " Lu gongchao said over the phone. is the door to my office very high? "

"No, no, I was really busy last month."