Zheng Guanyu and Xiaomi

After returning from Shanghai, everything seemed to have been sorted out and they were developing together.

From the beginning of may to the end of May, the sales of the shell MP4 did not decrease. In fact, it even increased slightly, which was a little against the normal market trend.

The reason for this was largely related to the increasing popularity of QQ space. In addition, the shell MP4 was not going to be cheap. The factory manager, Li Xiaojie, had a scientific research spirit of seeking perfection. The second generation of shell mp4 had already been put on the market.

On the other hand, the contract between seed capital and jiuyou had been signed. Chen hansheng showed the good quality of a qualified angel investor. As long as jiuyou handed in the financial statements on time, he did not care about anything else.

Nowadays, some angel investors were more enthusiastic than shareholders and often gave advice to entrepreneurs.