679, accidentally got myself into trouble

At this time, Chen hansheng was playing mahjong with Zhong jiancheng. In the morning, a reporter from the jianmo education channel came to interview him, which set off a hot wave on the campus of the University of Finance and Economics. The forum BBS was full of posts discussing " Senior Sister Shen " and " manager Hu.

Seeing that the milk tea shop was about to become famous, Chen hansheng was quite depressed. Once Xiao rongyu found out, he would definitely be ignored for two days.

Therefore, when Chen hansheng saw Wang Zibo's number, he did not want to answer it at first. However, after he answered the call helplessly, his expression gradually changed from laziness to shock. He even stopped touching the mahjong tiles in his hand.

"What are you trying to do, kid?"

Zhong jiancheng asked suspiciously.