687, a punch outside, a yes-man at home

Chen hansheng had never taken Huang Hui seriously. She could only lie to Wang Zibo in his first year. She could no longer lie to Wang Zibo in his third year.

Of course, if it wasn't for Bian Shishi's " Angel's descent ", Wang Zibo might have been " raised in a fish pond " by a middle-and high-ranking woman like ye Zhi.

After Xiao rongyu and Bian Shishi got out of the firm, Chen hansheng drove onto the jiangang Expressway.

Bian Shishi had been to Hong Kong before, but it was to celebrate her best friend's birthday. Time was tight, but this time, she could finally enjoy the scenery.

"There are still more Plains in East Jiangsu Province."

"Xiangnan has a lot of mountains, and there's often no signal on our phone," Bian Shishi said.

"Zi Bo, did you hear that?"

Chen hansheng laughed. Bian Shishi is hinting that she wants to change the little connection to a mobile phone. You have to remember that.

"Oh, I'll remember that,"