696, a shell phone is going to diss Samsung

Cell phones in 2005 weren't smart products. Other than companies like Nokia and Motorola, it wasn't difficult to copy other cell phone models. There were also various counterfeit models on the market.

The only difficult part was the application for a mobile phone production license. However, after 2005, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology suddenly opened this door. With the support of the local leaders of Jiangling and Jianyu, the fruit shell was already very famous, and they applied for a license without any suspense.

Initially, Zheng Guanyu's Xiaomi was in a difficult position. However, brother Chen was very capable. He contacted some testing organizations and specially evaluated the Guo mi joint research Institute as a very high-end Research Institute.

Even the ISO9001 was a piece of cake for her. She had almost taken down the national standard for communications laboratories.